
Short Rib (LA Galbi)

main ingredients
: short ripbs (1.7 lbs), 
sauce: soy sauce (1/2 cup), cooking wine (1Ts), sugar (1/3 cup), 1/2 medium size onion, minced garlic (1Ts),1/2 medium size asian pear, sesame oil (1Ts) 

A. Prepare the meat 
  1. put the meat in the cold water (30mins) 
  2. throw the water out and wash the meat 3-4 times

B. Make the sauce
 Put all ingredients into the blender, blend them together. 

C. Put the meat with sauce
D. Cook the meat with the pan 


Spicy Pork Jjim

Spicy Pork Jjim

main ingredients : pork shoulder (1 lbs), one medium size onion, carrot (0.3 lbs), 2 medium size potato, mushroom (0.3 lbs)

sauce 1 (soy sauce) : soy sauce (5Ts), cooking wine (3Ts), sugar (3Ts), 1 pinch of grounded pepper, water (2cup)
sauce 2 (hot sauce) : red pepper power (2Ts), minced garlic (1Ts), plum tea (1Ts), soy sauce (1Ts) 

recipe  : 
A. Prepare the meat (at least 3hrs before you cook)
1. put the meat in the cold water for 40 mins  (put a cup of Milk together)
2. throw the water out and wash the meat with clean water 3-4 times
B. Cooking (will take at least 1hr)
1. put the meat,vegetable and sauce1 into the pot and cook them at medium heat
2. when the half of water evaporated, reduce the heat and stir them sometimes
3. put sauce2 into the pot and cook till most of water evaporated


Ddukbokki or Tteokbokki

Ddukbokki or Tteokbokki (떡볶이)
main ingredients : rice cake (tteok or dduk) (0.5 lbs), one medium size onion, fish cake (0.2 lbs)
sauce : red pepper power(1.5Ts),red pepper paste sauce (1Ts), brown sugar (2Ts), starch syrup(or sugar) (1Ts) , soy sauce (1ts) 

recipe : 
1. Boiling the 3cups of water in the pot with chopped onion
2. When the water boils, put rice cake and fish cake into the pot
3. make the sauce 
4. pour the sauce into the pot cook it in the medium sized pot around 10-15 mins 

Kimchi Jjim

Kimchi Jjim with Pork Shoulder
main ingredients : pork shoulder (1-1.5lbs), one medium size onion, kimchi (2.5 lbs)
sauce : red pepper power(1Ts) , minced garlic (1Ts)

recipe  : 

A. Prepare the meat (at least 3hrs before you cook)
1. put the meat in the cold water for 40 mins  (put a cup of Milk together)
2. throw the water out and wash the meat with clean water 3-4 times

B. Cooking (will take at least 1hr)
1. put the meat and kimchi into the pot (Also, red pepper powder, garlic). 
2. pour the 3 cups of water into the pot

3. start to cook them at high heat
4. after 10 mins, reduce the heat to medium-low and cook till all of water evaporated ( if all of water evaporated before 50mins, suggest you to pour more water and keep cooking until the meat gets soft) 

eat with sunny-side up  and steamed rice :D


Galbi Jjim with Sweet pumpkin

Galbi Jjim with Sweet pumpkin(beef)
main ingredients : short rib (2-2.5lbs), one medium size onion, radish 0.3lbs, two big portobello mushrooms, some carrots, korean sweet pumpkin
sauce : sugar (1.5Ts), soy sauce (6Ts), garlic (4pieces), a pinch of pepper, sesame oil (2Ts), starch syrup(or sugar) (2Ts), 1/2 of korean pear 

recipe  : 

A. Prepare the meat (at least 3hrs before you cook)
1. put the meat in the cold water for 40 mins 
2. throw the water out and wash the meat with clean water 3-4 times
3. boiling the water in a big pot
4. when the water boils, put the meat into the pot for 10 mins
5. throw the water out and wash the meat again (with cold water)
6. boiling the water again and put the meat with one onion into the pot for 40 mins 
7. don't throw out the water (6). Keep at least 3 cups of the water.

B. Making the sauce
1. all of the sauce ingredients and a half of pear, put them into the food processor and grind them 

C. Put the meat and sauce together and leave them in the refrigerator at least 3 hrs

D. Cooking (will take at least 30 mins)
1. cut off the edges to make the vegetables rounded shape (radish, carrot)
2. cut the portobello mushrooms
3. pour the 2 cups of water from A-7 into a pot and put the marinated meat(with ribs)      and vegetables, cook them at medium heat
4. when the half of water evaporated, reduce the heat and stir them sometimes

F. Pumpkin
1. put the pumpkin in to the microwave for 10 mins (it will help you to carve easily)
2. cut off the top part and scoop out the inside part (seed..) 
3. fill inside of the pumpkin with D-4 (cooked galbi jjim)
4. cover the pumpkin with the foil
5. put the pumpkin into the oven at 350F for 50 mins

Then you can eat!!!!!!

Good Luck! :p


Citron Balsamic dressing salad

Citron Balsamic dressing salad
main ingredients : chopped vegetables (romain lettuce, cucumber, and anything else) , tofu (cubed) 
sauce : Korean Citron tea (u-ja-cha) (3Ts), Olive oil (1Ts), Balsamic veneger (2Ts)
1. make the sauce 
2. pour the sauce over the chopped vegetables

sauce ingredients (left to right)
Citron tea, Olive oil, Balsamic veneger

This dressing is so amazing. I love this sweet taste and great smell!!!! =)


Nakji bokkeum recipe

Nakji bokkeum (spicy stir-fried chopped octopus)
main ingredients: iced chopped octopus (0.7lb), one big sweet onion, carrot, green onion, green pepper 2~3, 
sauce : red pepper paste sauce (1Ts), red pepper powder (2Ts), Sugar (1Ts), sesame oil (1Ts), starch syrup(or sugar) (1Ts), sesame seed (1/2 Ts), minced garlic (1ts), water (2Ts) 

recipe  : 
1. make the sauce (put everything together and stir) and leave them at least 30 mins
2. leave the iced chopped octopus in a clean water around 30 mins 
3. wash the chopped octopus 
4. cut all vegetables
3. when the water is boiling, put the washed octopus and cooking around 2~3 mins(Octopus sections should curl somewhat)
4. wash the cooked octopus
5. heat 1 Ts of vegetable oil in a large flat bottom fry pan over high heat and cook the vegetable first
6. put the octopus and pour the sauce and stir-fry very quickly
7. serve the Nakji bokkeum with rice and noodle

1. make the sauce

2. iced chopped octopus with wat
4. Chopped vegetables