
Kimchi Jjim

Kimchi Jjim with Pork Shoulder
main ingredients : pork shoulder (1-1.5lbs), one medium size onion, kimchi (2.5 lbs)
sauce : red pepper power(1Ts) , minced garlic (1Ts)

recipe  : 

A. Prepare the meat (at least 3hrs before you cook)
1. put the meat in the cold water for 40 mins  (put a cup of Milk together)
2. throw the water out and wash the meat with clean water 3-4 times

B. Cooking (will take at least 1hr)
1. put the meat and kimchi into the pot (Also, red pepper powder, garlic). 
2. pour the 3 cups of water into the pot

3. start to cook them at high heat
4. after 10 mins, reduce the heat to medium-low and cook till all of water evaporated ( if all of water evaporated before 50mins, suggest you to pour more water and keep cooking until the meat gets soft) 

eat with sunny-side up  and steamed rice :D

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