
Spicy Pork Jjim

Spicy Pork Jjim

main ingredients : pork shoulder (1 lbs), one medium size onion, carrot (0.3 lbs), 2 medium size potato, mushroom (0.3 lbs)

sauce 1 (soy sauce) : soy sauce (5Ts), cooking wine (3Ts), sugar (3Ts), 1 pinch of grounded pepper, water (2cup)
sauce 2 (hot sauce) : red pepper power (2Ts), minced garlic (1Ts), plum tea (1Ts), soy sauce (1Ts) 

recipe  : 
A. Prepare the meat (at least 3hrs before you cook)
1. put the meat in the cold water for 40 mins  (put a cup of Milk together)
2. throw the water out and wash the meat with clean water 3-4 times
B. Cooking (will take at least 1hr)
1. put the meat,vegetable and sauce1 into the pot and cook them at medium heat
2. when the half of water evaporated, reduce the heat and stir them sometimes
3. put sauce2 into the pot and cook till most of water evaporated

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